03:06:01:00 DSCC Academic Proctoring Policy


The purpose of this policy is to provide procedures for faculty to have tests proctored in an effective and efficient manner.


The policy applies to all faculty, staff, and students.


Proctoring is a service provided to faculty and students. Proctoring allows more flexibility to online students as well as traditional on-campus students to test or to make up a test for a course. It is also an aid to prevent academic dishonesty. Faculty members who use the proctoring services at DSCC and are using the online course management system to deliver a test must complete the following items a minimum of 3 business days in advance: setup and schedule the test within the course management system, set an appropriate password on the assessment to restrict access to the test, relay any specific ADA accommodations, relay relevant testing information and provide instructions to the student(s), and relay all specific testing specifications to Distance Education. Distance Education will then ensure that the testing information is distributed to all testing locations. A list of required testing specifications is below. If a faculty member wishes the proctor to deliver a paper test, the faculty member must also deliver the test and test specifications to Distance Education a minimum of 3 business days in advance.

Faculty should provide the following testing specifications to Distance Education (distance@dscc.edu) a minimum of 3 business days in advance of their test opening:
a. Course Number and Name (e.g., ENGL 1010 – Composition I)
b. Whether or not the student is allowed a text book or any other materials.
c. What materials need to be provided to the student (e.g., paper, pencil, etc.)
d. Any other specific instructions you would like followed.
e. Password(s) for the test(s)
f. Specific ADA accommodations (if applicable)
g. An emergency method of contact such as a cell phone number or other valid means of communication in case the proctor experiences an issue with the test.

Faculty should also provide detailed instructions to students regarding their appointment.

Students are required to schedule an appointment a minimum of 24 hours in advance or to contact the DSCC Help Desk at 731-288-7780 for assistance with scheduling an appointment.

Students must present valid photo identification issued either by the government or from a Tennessee Board of Regents institution (student identification).


All faculty, staff, and students must comply with this policy. A faculty member’s failure to comply with the 3 business days requirement for testing specifications will result in the student being asked to communicate back to the instructor and the student’s scheduled appointment being canceled. A student’s failure to comply with 24 hours advanced appointment notice will require the student to schedule another appointment that is in compliance and the student will not be allowed to test until he/she is compliant.



Revision History:

Policy written May 2014. Policy approved by Administrative Council on 07/22/2014. Updated December 2015 and approved by Administrative Council on 1/29/2016. Updated September 2016 and approved by Administrative Council on 9/28/2016. Updated March 2022 and approved by Administrative Council on 4/28/2022.