03:03:04:00 Division Meetings


The purpose of this policy is to identify the topics that should be addressed during regular division meetings at which attendance of all divisional faculty members is expected.


This policy applies to all divisional faculty members at Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) and their respective academic division leaders.


Division Deans hold regular meetings which all divisional faculty members are expected to attend. Division meetings are an opportunity for faculty to discuss issues of academic importance, assess learning, and identify strategies for improvement. Recommendations and proposals should be presented by the Division Deans to the appropriate College committees. Minutes of the division meetings should be kept in a timely manner and copies forwarded to the Learning Resource Center, the Vice President for the College, and the President.


All full-time faculty and academic division leaders must comply with this policy.



Revision History:

Policy written May, 2005. Policy revised October 2012; approved by Administrative Council on 02/22/13. Revised October 2016; approved by Administrative Council on October 28, 2016.