03:01:08:00 Attendance at Fall and Spring Updates


The purpose of this policy is to inform faculty and staff of the expectation of attendance at Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) semester updates and conference days.


This policy applies to DSCC faculty and staff members.


Fall and Spring Updates traditionally mark the opening of each semester for faculty and staff. The update agenda usually includes an introduction of new faculty and staff, recognition of outstanding alumni, and a status report by the President. Following the update, faculty meetings are scheduled for each division. All faculty and staff are required to attend each update.

Fall and Spring Conferences provide an opportunity for all of the College’s employees to gather for recognition, celebration, and professional development activities. All faculty members are expected to attend these conferences. Only the President may approve an absence should there be a schedule conflict.


All faculty and staff must comply with this policy.

Revision History:

Policy written May 2005. Policy revised October 2012; approved by Administrative Council on 12/14/2012. Policy revised October 2016; approved by Administrative Council on October 28, 2016.