03:04:08:00 Grading System


The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for DSCC grading system.


This policy applies to all full-time and adjunct faculty members.


Responsibility for faculty credentials for instructional programs rests with the Division Deans, in accordance with Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) Policy 2:03:01:01 – Undergraduate Academic Retention Standards, DSCC adheres to the procedures outlined below.

Quality Point System
The following quality point system is to be used in determining averages:

For each credit hour of A:4 quality points
For each credit hour of B:3 quality points
For each credit hour of C:2 quality points
For each credit hour of D:1 quality point
For each credit hour of F:0 quality points

The quality point average is determined by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of credit hours which the student attempted with the following exceptions:

  • Credit hours which the student drops before the census date are not included in the term or cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA);
  • Credit hours from which the student withdraws after the census date are not included in the term or cumulative GPA;
  • Credit hours awarded for transfer work are not included in the term or cumulative GPA.

In addition, the following grades are not included in the term or cumulative GPA:

  • AP – Advanced Placement
  • AU – Audit
  • CL – CLEP
  • E – In Progress
  • EQ – Equivalency
  • I – Incomplete
  • P – Pass
  • PR – Proficiency
  • Z – Final Grade Not Submitted by Instructor

Credit hours used to calculate the term and cumulative GPA’s appear on the academic transcript as “GPA Hours.” DSCC academic transcripts will include term and cumulative GPA calculations; this distinction is required so that all TBR institutions address Learning Support and Developmental Studies Program credit hours similarly in calculating the term and cumulative GPA’s.

The transcript will include the following:

  1. a GPA compromised only of hours taken in courses number 100 and above (“college level only” GPA) and
  2. a second GPA comprised of hours taken in courses numbered 100 and above and hours taken in Learning Support and/or Developmental Studies Program courses (“combined” GPA).

The following are based on each calculation:

  1. The “college only” GPA will be used in calculating the required GPA for graduation.
  2. The “college only” GPA will be used in determining graduation honors.
  3. The “college only” GPA will be used in determining term honors.
  4. The “combined” GPA will be used in determining suspension and probation.
  5. The “combined” GPA will be used in determining financial aid eligibility.
  6. The “combined” GPA will be used in determining athletic eligibility.

Grades of “I” (Incomplete)
A grade of “I” indicates that the student has not completed requirements of a course due to mitigating circumstances acceptable to the instructor. All course requirements necessary to complete an “I” must be accomplished within 14 calendar days from the first day of classes in the next semester. A grade of “I” which is not complete within 14 calendar days from the first day of classes in the next semester will automatically become a grade of “F.” The one exception is that the time limit for removing an “I” received spring semester carries over until the fall semester.

Grades of “Z” (Grade Not Submitted)
A grade of “Z” indicates that the instructor did not submit a final grade for the student. If the final grade is not submitted within 14 calendar days from the first day of classes in the next semester, the “Z” grade will automatically become a grade of “F.” The one exception is that the time limit for removing a “Z” received spring semester carries over until the fall semester. Changing a “Z” grade to any other grade is accomplished through the instructor’s completion and submission of a Change of Grade form, which requires the signatures of the instructor, the Division Dean and the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Success. The form is then submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records.

Grades of “E” (In Progress)
A grade of “E” is used only with courses designated as Developmental Studies or Learning Support. The “E” grade is not calculated in the GPA calculation. The “E” grade is indicative of a less than satisfactory completion of the course, and the course should be repeated.Final Grades
Final grades must be submitted electronically to the Office of Admissions and Records at a time so designated after the scheduled last examination for each course. After the grading period closes, a grade other than “I” cannot be changed without the approval of the Division Dean and the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Students Success.

The Change of Grade form is available online on the Office of Admissions and Records Forms page and under the Faculty Links in MyDSCC. The Change of Grade form requires a statement giving the reason for the grade change and the date of the grade change. Grade change forms receiving approval are recorded in the Office of Records and are kept permanently.


All DSCC full-time faculty and adjunct instructors must comply with this policy.



Revision History:

Policy written August, 2007. Policy revised October, 2012; approved by Administrative Council on 12/14/2012. Policy revised January, 2017; approved by Administrative Council January, 2017; approved by Administrative Council on 02/23/2023.