09:01:03:00 DSCC Information Consistency Policy


It is vital that information about Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) is consistent across all mediums in which that information is presented. The purpose of this policy is ensure that college information is consistent across all formats.


This policy applies to all Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) primary methods of transmitting information which includes on-line, video, audio and printed sources.
On-line sources include the web site, the catalog, and other on-line systems such as Compliance Assist. Printed sources include items such as brochures, pamphlets, etc.


All personnel responsible for preparing information for release to the public, students or employees of DSCC should update the information in all mediums in which the information appears. These updates should be made in a timely fashion in order to provide consistent information to all DSCC constituents.

Any faculty or staff who finds out of date information should notify the responsible department as to the location of the out of date information. If the responsible department can’t be determined, the employee is to notify the Director of Public Information and the Vice President for Technology.


All administrative staff responsible for preparing information for release to the public must adhere to this policy. Repeated failure to keep information consistent will be reported to the employee’s supervisor.


Policy: a set of ideas or a plan for action followed by a group of people.
Medium: means of doing something. Examples include on-line, print, video, audio.
Format: the way in which something is arranged or set out.

Revision History:

Approved by Administrative Council on 9/28/16.

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