04:01:01:00 Counseling for Students


The purpose of this policy is to outline counseling services for all DSCC students.


This policy applies to all DSCC students, faculty and staff. Counseling programs and services are made available to assist with student development and success, helping students make wise personal and professional choices.


The counselor will provide limited personal counseling and counseling related to academic problems. A referral to an outside agency, medical professional or mental health service may be recommended in some situations.

Faculty should consider referring a student to the counselor if they:

  • observe noticeable changes in a student’s functioning, appearance or habits;
  • observe obvious signs that a student feels hopeless;
  • observe other warning signs that suicide is apparent;
  • suspect that a student’s use of alcohol or other substances interferes with his/her relationships or coursework.
  • observe or have reported to them that a student’s thoughts or actions regularly appear unusual.

The Counselor will take every precaution to protect a student’s privacy.Information may not be released to any third party without the student’s consent,except in the case of potential danger to self or others or if court ordered by a judge.

The counselor will provide college-wide programming to promote wise choices and bring awareness to topics such as, but not limited to, alcoholism and drug abuse,rape prevention, stress management, tobacco cessation, personal safety and study skills.

Appointments for student counseling services can be made in person, by calling 731/286-3242 or by emailing Counselor@DSCC.edu.

Information on many mental health topics is available online on the DSCC Counseling Services web page (https://www.dscc.edu/current-students/counseling-services). Additionally, every student has access to the Student Government Association online class and can utilize the information and announcements therein.


All faculty and staff are required to report suspicious activity, safety concerns and instances of fraud, waste and abuse.


Referral To direct to another resource, service or person for help or information.

Revision History:

Policy revised July 2012; approved by Administrative Council on 9/27/12.

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