01:08:00:00 DSCC Approval of Institutional Policies Policy


The purpose of this policy is to create a standard approval process for all DSCC policies and procedures.


Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) is required to follow TBR policies and guidelines by incorporating them into institutional policies and procedures. DSCC recognizes that faculty, staff and students are essential members of the campus community, contribute to the progress of the College, and embraces a philosophy of shared governance. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that appropriate campus constituents participate in and make recommendation concerning the formation and revision of institutional policies and procedures.


The President’s Cabinet is responsible for insuring appropriate institutional policies and procedures are developed for areas under their supervision.

A. The approval process shall be as follows:

i. Proposed institutional policies/procedures or policy/procedure revisions must be recommended by the President’s Cabinet member responsible for the area proposing the policy.

ii. New policies and significant policy/procedures revisions will be presented to the President’s Cabinet for initial review and then to Administrative Council for final approval. Policy/procedure changes that are editorial in nature will not be subject to the full approval process. Editorial changes will require approval of the appropriate Vice President.

iii. Comments may be requested from Administrative Council, Faculty Assembly, and Student Government Association when appropriate. All comments received should be addressed by the appropriate Cabinet member and when appropriate presented to President’s Cabinet prior to final approval of the policy/procedures.

iv. The President’s Cabinet member responsible for the maintenance of the policy/procedure must complete a Policy Transmittal form.

v. The President must formally approve the Policy/Procedure Transmittal form for each policy/procedure and/or policy/procedure revision.

B. After formal approval is received, an electronic copy of a new or significantly revised policy/procedure will be forwarded to the appropriate President’s Cabinet member responsible for the policy/procedure. Additionally, Human Resources will maintain a hard copy of the new or revised policy.

C. The Office of the President will provide campus-wide notification via email regarding all new and significantly revised policies.

D. Human Resources will be responsible for initiating a regular review of all policies. All policies will be formally reviewed on a three-year cycle, beginning fiscal year 2023.

E. Upon approval of a new or revised TBR policy or guideline, the Office of the President will send notification to the President’s Cabinet. The appropriate President’s Cabinet member(s) will implement a thorough review of the existing College policies affected by the TBR policy or guideline. Appropriate modifications and/or development of new policy/procedures will be made through the processes described previously. Policy revisions will also be made when DSCC policies or actual College practices change.


All DSCC faculty and staff must comply with the policy.


policy shall be defined as a required course of action to be followed.

procedure shall be defined as a detailed, step-by-step action needed to complete a requirement or an advisory statement that provides a framework to fulfilling a policy. 

Revision History:

TBR Source: TBR Meetings, June 20, 1975; September 30, 1983; June 19, 1998 

DSCC Source: Written April 2022 by Human Resources Director.  Administrative Council approved April 28, 2022.