03:04:05:00 Last Day of Attendance Requirements


The purpose of this policy is to explain the importance of Last Day of Attendance documentation.


This policy applies to all Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) faculty members (full-time and adjunct) and students.


Each semester, DSCC is required by the U. S. Department of Education to document the last day of attendance (LDA) of students receiving federal financial aid. The federal government requires that each full- and part-time faculty member provide documentation of LDA when requested to do so. To be sure that DSCC is in compliance with federal regulations, faculty members must provide the last day of attendance for any student on their class roster who receives a final grade of “F,” “E” (learning support), or “I.” Even if the student completed the semester with an “F” grade, the last day of attendance must be indicated on the report. Students who complete the semester with a grade of “F” are not liable for repayment of financial aid. However, students who complete less than 60 percent of the semester are liable for repayment of some or all of their financial aid. If a faculty member is unable to document the last day of attendance, the College may be liable.

Documentation of LDA must be provided no later than the date for submitting grades to the Office of Records. LDA may be entered on the class roster using Self-Service Banner. In the meantime, faculty members should continue to report attendance in Self-Service Banner. The Office of the Dean of Student Services will attempt to contact students with excessive absenteeism and determine the reason for the absences.


All full-time and adjunct faculty members must adhere to this policy.


Revision History:

Policy written May 2005. Policy revised October 2012; approved by Administrative Council on 02/22/13. Revised October 2016; approved by Administrative Council on October 28, 2016.