03:04:02:00 Course Syllabi


The purpose of this policy is to outline the items that should be found in course syllabi and to assign responsibility for the development of the syllabi to the faculty.


This policy applies to all full-time and adjunct instructors at Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC).


Accessible, up-to-date copies of course syllabi must be loaded in the course shells in DSCC’s learning management system for each course by the Discipline Coordinator or instructor every semester.

Each faculty member should prepare a course syllabus for each class which includes the following items:

  1. name and number of course and instructor’s name;
  2. course description as approved by Instructional Council;
  3. textbook to be used in the particular course;
  4. any supplementary materials or books to be used in the course;
  5. learning outcomes as approved by Instructional Council;
  6. the methods of teaching to be used in the course;
  7. the types of evaluation to be used in the course;
  8. the method of scoring and weight given to each evaluation;
  9. course requirements, such as term project, parallel reading, number of tests to be given, and approximate dates;
  10. additional requirements for that particular course;
  11. a link to the Dyersburg State Code of Honor and Citizenship;
  12. a link to the safety and security reports;
  13. a link to the instructions for reporting fraud, waste, and abuse;
  14. the statement from the common syllabus template advising students with disabilities to contact the ADA Coordinator;
  15. the statement from the common syllabus template pertaining to DSCC’s expectation of academic honesty.

    The individual faculty member and the Discipline Coordinator or Division Dean are
    responsible for making sure that the course syllabus is up to date.


All full-time and adjunct faculty members must provide students with an up-to-date course syllabus each semester.


Revision History:

Policy written February 2010; revised October 2012; revised September 2016; approved by Faculty Assembly Executive Committee November 4, 2016; approved by Administrative Council on November 30, 2016.