06:01:02:00 Employment Classification


It is the policy of Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) to develop appropriate guidelines for employing persons within the college. Consistent with the definitions included within this policy, appropriate employee designations and percent of employment shall be determined through campus review of the length of the assignment and the continued need for services.


This policy applies to all DSCC employees.


The following definitions shall apply to employee categories as indicated:

  1. Academic Personnel (Exempt) – All faculty members who hold academic rank and who are directly engaged in instruction, departmental research or public service. Academic personnel may be employed on an academic or fiscal year. Academic personnel appointed on an academic year shall be on duty for not less than nine months. Duty shall commence from the time designated by the President prior to the institution’s registration for the fall term of each year through the time designated by the President at the end of the spring term, and the faculty member shall be subject to call for duty during that period regardless of whether classes are in session. The appointment is compensated over a twelve-month period.
  2. Executive & Administrative (Exempt) – All personnel other than personnel primarily employed in instruction, research or public service who primarily have executive and administrative responsibilities, and whose positions require recognized professional achievement acquired by formal training or equivalent experience. This classification includes non-academic personnel who are exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
  3. Professional Non-Faculty (Exempt) All personnel other than personnel primarily employed in instruction, research or public service who primarily have professional responsibilities, and whose positions require recognized professional achievement acquired by formal training or equivalent experience. This classification includes non-academic personnel who are exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
  4. Adjunct faculty – All faculty whose temporary appointments are based on demand each semester.
  5. Clerical, Support, Technical, Maintenance, and Operations Personnel (Non-exempt) – All personnel other than executive, professional, academic, administrative, or student workers.
  6. Student Workers – All personnel whose primary purpose for being at the institution or school is to be enrolled in an academic program of the institution or school. Student workers are temporary.

Each employee is also assigned one of the following designations:

  1. Regular Full-Time Employees – All personnel (executive, administrative and professional, academic, and clerical, support, technical, maintenance and operations) who are employed on a continuing basis, expected to exceed one year, and who have a regular work week of 37.5 hours or who are scheduled to carry a full teaching load or its equivalent. Regular full-time employees include full-time MODFY (modified fiscal year) employees. Regular full-time employees are eligible for benefits.
  2. Regular Part-Time Employees – All personnel (executive, administrative and professional, academic, and clerical, support, technical, maintenance and operations) who are employed on a continuing basis, expected to exceed one year and who have a regular work week of less than 37.5 hours or who are scheduled to carry less than a full teaching load or its equivalent. Regular part-time employees include part-time MODFY (modified fiscal year) employees. Regular part-time employees are eligible for prorated benefits.
  3. Temporary Employees – All personnel whose initial period of appointment or expected service is less than one year. This definition should not be confused with employees who are designated as probationary employees, who may be regular full-time or part-time employees, and who are entitled to all leave benefits of such employees. If temporary assignments are recurring, then the campus must make a decision to create and fund a regular position.

    Temporary employees are ineligible for employment benefits (retirement, state insurance, annual and sick leave, and holiday pay or longevity credit), (refer to TBR policies 5:02:07:10 and 5:02:07:00 for the temporary appointment type for faculty which may be eligible for benefits). However, limited term appointments may be designated as positions eligible for benefits when budgeted. Breaks in Service: An employee who has worked as a temporary for the maximum time of one calendar year must be completely separated and off the payroll for fourteen calendar days before becoming eligible for re-employment in a temporary position. After one year of employment as a temporary employee, the campus should consider adding a position with benefits if the assignment is needed on a regular basis. The process for filling the position will follow TBR Guideline P-010, Personnel Transactions and Recommended Forms. Temporary employees contracted through a temporary staffing agency are not TBR employees.
  4. MODFY (modified fiscal year) Employees – All regular, full and part-time personnel whose service period is at least nine months, but less than twelve months. The actual length and work schedule can vary at the discretion of the DSCC president.


All Dyersburg State Community College employees are expected to adhere to this policy.


MODFY: Modified Fiscal year. All regular full and part-time non-teaching personnel whose service period is at least nine months, but less than twelve months.
Exempt: Non-academic personnel who are exempt from the provisions of the Federal Wage and Hour Law.
Non-exempt: Non-academic personnel who are covered under the provisions of the Federal Wage and Hour Law.

Revision History:

Policy created December 2004. Policy revised July 2012; approved by Administrative Council on 8/31/12.

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