The procedure for appealing grades is designed to provide any student at Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) with a clearly defined avenue for appealing the assignment of the final grade which he/she believes to be unjust
With the exception of TN eCampus courses (see below), this grade appeal process applies to all courses delivered by DSCC. The procedure will be terminated at the level at which the student and the instructor are brought into agreement on the appealed grade or at the level at which the student ceases to pursue the proper process.
The grade appeal process for TN eCampus courses is listed in the DSCC annual catalog and student handbook and on the TN eCampus website. The TN eCampus grade appeal process is subject to change and does not require institutional approval. Therefore, the grade appeal process for TN eCampus courses is not included in this procedure.
Faculty members determine the final grades for all students based on a fair assessment of the quality of student work. Appeals beyond the faculty member must be based on issues alleging inconsistent or selective applications of policies and procedures which are set forth in the course outline and syllabus. The following process must be followed in appealing a grade:
- A student with a question about a grade shall first consult the instructor who recorded the grade in an attempt to achieve a satisfactory resolution. The consultation shall be within 10 class days following the commencement of the subsequent semester.
- If a satisfactory resolution is not reached, the student may submit a written complaint to the appropriate division dean. In the event that the instructor and the division dean are the same, or if the division dean disqualifies himself/herself for any reason, the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Success shall receive the complaint. The division dean will attempt to resolve the complaint in consultation with the student and the instructor within five class days of the formal presentation of the written complaint. The division dean may consult with appropriate faculty members. A change of grade request may be initiated at this time.
- If a satisfactory resolution is not reached in Step 2, the student may inform both the instructor and the division dean that he/she wishes to make a written request for a review to the Appeals Board. The student shall make a written request to the appropriate division dean to request a review by the Appeals Board within five days following the end of the prescribed time in Step 2 and shall include in the request a rationale for the request. The division dean, within five days of receiving the student’s request, must forward the student’s request to the Appeals Board, together with copies of all correspondence and records pertaining to the complaint.
- Upon receipt of a request for review, the Chairperson of the Appeals Board shall set a meeting date and provide written notification of the date to the student, the instructor, the appropriate division dean and the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Success. The meeting date shall be within seven days of the receipt of the request. The rationale for the decision to review the grade shall be included. The student and the involved instructor will be included. They will appear before the Appeals Board to clarify the written reports.
- The Appeals Board shall submit its findings in sufficient explicit detail to explain these
findings. - The Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Success, the appropriate division dean and the instructor shall jointly review the findings of the Appeals Board, and a final decision shall be made and announced.
Composition of the Appeals Board
The board shall be composed of the division faculty representatives serving on the Student Affairs Committee. If the instructor involved is a member of the Student Affairs Committee, then another faculty member from that division will be selected to serve on the board. The Chairperson of the Appeals Committee will be selected from the membership of the Board by the Instructional Council.
All DSCC faculty and students must adhere to this policy.
Revision History:
Policy written May 2005. Policy revised June 2013; approved by Administrative Council on 06/26/13; approved by Administrative Council on 02/23/2023.