The purpose of this policy is to describe the process for scheduling field trips and for informing the Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) community when students must miss class due to a field trip.
This policy applies to all faculty members and students.
Field trips must be approved at least one week in advance of the planned trip. A travel authorization form must be completed and submitted through the Division office to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Success. College transportation may be used for field trips when approval is secured well enough in advance.
A list of the students who will accompany the faculty member and the times that the students will be away from campus must be included with the travel authorization form when submitted for approval. Whenever possible, field trips should be scheduled to minimize the chances of missing scheduled classes. When a conflict does occur, a memo should be sent to each instructor with a copy to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Success listing the students’ names, dates, and times of absence with a request that the students be allowed to make up worked that is missed. It is expected that students, especially performance scholarship students such as athletes, cheerleaders, ambassadors, and members of the DSCC Choirs, be permitted to make up work that was missed while they were away as official representatives of the College.
All faculty members and students are expected to adhere to this policy.
Revision History:
Policy written May 2005. Policy revised October 2012; approved by Administrative Council on 12/14/2012. Revised October 2016; approved by Administrative Council on October 28, 2016; approved by Administrative Council February 23, 2023.