12:01:03:00 Missing Property


The purpose of this policy is to insure that proper reporting procedures are followed per TBR Guideline B-080 if Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) property is found to be stolen or misplaced.


Custodians of the equipment, the staff member completing annual inventory or other staff upon finding missing property shall begin the investigation and reporting of the missing property.


In the event property is stolen or misplaced on the Dyersburg State campus, the Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County or the Gibson County Center, an employee should contact the Vice President for Finance & Administrative Services as soon as possible.

If appropriate the police should be notified and an official police report filed.

If the property has been lost, an initial Property Loss Report, which is available on the TBR website under Guideline B-080 should be filed with the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services within 24 hours.

When the final dollar loss has been determined, the Final Property Loss Report, also available on the TBR website under Guideline B-080, should be completed. Both of these reports are forwarded to TBR and the State Risk Management Office.


All students, faculty and staff are expected to adhere to this policy. The Vice President for Finance and Administrative shall be responsible for the enforcement of this policy.


Missing Property Property that has been stolen or lost.

Revision History:

Policy written August 2011; approved by Administrative Council on 08/10/11.

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