The purpose of this policy is to reinforce the “Tennessee Pledge” which is a plan to help Tennesseans return to work in a safe environment; restore their livelihoods; and reboot our state’s economy. Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) is committed to the health and safety of all students, faculty, staff, and visitors that access our service locations. By agreeing to and following this policy, individuals accept responsibility and commit to protecting themselves, their co-workers and the constituents at all DSCC locations.
The policy applies to all faculty, staff, and students of any DSCC location. This policy uses the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention public health prevention measures; affirms the State of Tennessee’s reopening commitment in the Tennessee Pledge; and uses the Guidelines for Higher Education.
The DSCC Policy on Public Health Expectations for COVID-19 Safety establishes a method for using COVID-19 recommendations, protocols, and requirements while on-site at any DSCC location. Students, Faculty, and Staff are required to sign the DSCC Form for Public Health Expectations for COVID-19 Safety which is available online in Dynamic Forms. The policy allows DSCC an avenue to standardize expectations of all constituents and provides personal accountability and responsibility of each individual to help maintain the health and safety of all persons on-site at any DSCC location. All individuals will affirm they understand the symptoms of COVID-19 and will agree to follow and practice the following requirements to ensure the health and safety of others by signing the DSCC Form for Public Health Expectations for COVID-19 Safety prior to coming on-site.
- I will wear a face mask at all times (unless I am working alone in a private space).
- I will practice social distancing and remain at least 6 feet from others at all times.
- I will wash my hands regularly, and follow CDC guidance for slowing the spread of COVID-19.
- I will conduct self-monitoring for the development of COVID-19 symptoms.
- I will not access any DSCC location if I am exhibiting symptoms and will contact my supervisor to let him/her know I will not be in as expected.
- I will comply with daily screenings including temperature checks and COVID-19 symptoms before being cleared to enter any DSCC building.
- I will agree to self-quarantine at home for a minimum of 14 days after exposure if I have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
- If I have a COVID-19 symptom or fever greater than 100.4, I understand that I may consider seeking medical attention from a healthcare provider. I may also need to provide medical documentation before returning to work/class (this may include if you were diagnosed with common illnesses such as, sinus infection, upper respiratory infection, common cold, stomach virus, etc.).
- If I test positive for COVID-19, I will complete the DSCC Self-Isolation Form or provide the DSCC representative on-site my information to complete the form on my behalf.
- If I test positive for COVID-19, I will alert/contact the following:
a. Faculty/Staff: I will notify my supervisor and Human Resources via phone and email immediately after receiving positive test results. The Office of Human Resources may be reached via phone at 731-286-3316 and via email at employee_covid19@dscc.edu. If I am able to work, I understand that I may continue to work from home if my position allows (and in consultation with my supervisor and Vice President with the approval of the President). I will complete the Alternate Work Arrangement Agreement and the Alternate Work Schedule Reporting Form. If I am not able to work, I will make arrangements with my supervisor to claim the appropriate sick leave for my situation. I understand that I must self-isolate for a period of at least 10 days after symptom onset and resolution of fever for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications, and with improvement of other symptoms before returning to work. I will email any supporting documentation to employee_covid19@dscc.edu.
b. Students: I will email the Dean of Student Services Office at student_covid19@dscc.edu and copy my instructors immediately after receiving positive test results. If I am able, I will attend classes via Zoom and complete any assignments. If I am not able to continue my classes via Zoom and complete assignments, I will work with each individual instructor. I understand that I must self-isolate for a period of at least 10 days after symptom onset and resolution of fever for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications, and with improvement of other symptoms before returning to class. I will email any supporting documentation to student_covid19@dscc.edu. - I agree to be forthright in all my responses as it impacts the health and welfare of all individuals who access any DSCC location.
*Additional information on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act plan for Sick Leave can be found here.
All faculty, staff, and students are responsible for reading policy information, agreeing to policy requirements, and completing the acknowledgement form. Persons found to be in violation of this policy will be restricted from DSCC locations and subject to appropriate disciplinary actions.
COVID-19: A human disease condition caused by novel coronavirus. People with COVID-19 have a wide range of symptoms ranging from no observable symptoms, mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention has identified the following symptoms as possible indications of COVID-19:
• Fever above 100.4 or chills
• Cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Fatigue
• Muscle or body aches
• Headache
• New loss of taste or smell
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Nausea or vomiting
• Diarrhea
Tennessee Pledge: The Tennessee Pledge asks businesses to provide safe working conditions that protect both employees and consumers, while securing their livelihoods. This plan also asks employees to commit to protecting themselves, their co-workers and the customers they serve. Finally, we encourage every Tennessee resident to be on the same team with our businesses: act responsibly by following recommended guidelines for social distancing, hygiene and wearing protective equipment when appropriate. In all cases, colleges and universities should consult guidance issued by OSHA, the CDC, and the State of Tennessee. Many of the recommendations in the document is based on the report from the American College Health Association Considerations for Reopening Institutions of Higher Education in the COVID-19 Era, as well as the University of Tennessee System’s recently released Best Practices document and the Economic Recovery Group’s (ERG) previously released Tennessee Pledge documents. Additionally, it is imperative to emphasize that these guidelines do not replace or supersede any applicable federal guidance or other regulatory or statutory requirements.
Higher Education Guidelines For Reopening: In accordance with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention for Higher Education Guidelines for Reopening, Institutions of Higher Education (IHE), working together with local health departments, have an important role in slowing the spread of diseases, and protecting vulnerable students, staff, and faculty to help ensure a safe and healthy learning environment. This guidance will help IHE and their partners understand how to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19 among students, faculty, and staff. It also aims to help IHE react quickly should a case be identified in the IHE or if there is a spread within the community in which the IHE is located. The guidance includes considerations to help administrators plan for the continuity of teaching, learning, and research if there is community spread of COVID-19 and address concerns related to COVID-19 associated stigmas.
Self-Quarantine: According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention, quarantine is used to keep someone who might be exposed to COVID-19 away from others. Quarantine helps prevent the spread of disease that can occur before the person knows they are sick or if they are infected with the virus without having symptoms. People in quarantine should stay home, separate themselves from others, monitor their health, and follow directions from their state or local health department. A minimum of 14 days is required for quarantine prior to returning to work/class.
Self-Isolate: According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention, isolation is used to separate people who are infected with the virus away from people who are not infected. Before returning to work/class an individual must stay separate from others for a minimum of 10 days with the last 24 hours with no fever and with reduced symptoms.
Revision History:
Policy written 06/11/20. Recommended by President’s Staff to Administrative Council with edits on 06/16/20. Revised on 06/26/20. Policy presented to Administrative Council on 06/26/2020. Revised on 07/29/20. Approved by Administrative Council via email on 7/30/2020.
Note: The policy may be later updated/revised to conform with a forthcoming Tennessee Board of Regents’ system-wide policy.