The purpose of this policy is to detail the procedures to follow for illnesses or injuries involving faculty, staff, students or visitors on Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) property including a college vehicle.
This policy applies to all DSCC students, faculty and staff.
Witnesses to an emergency should use good judgment in deciding whether or not to call emergency personnel or an ambulance or take the injured person to an emergency room.
Personal Injuries Involving Students or Visitors
In the event that a student is injured on any DSCC property, a Personal Injury Report for Student or Visitor form is filled out by the Dean of Student Services (or designee) and forwarded to the Vice President for the College. The Dean of Student Services keeps a copy. In the event that a visitor is injured at any DSCC location, the Personal Injury Report for Student or Visitor form is filled out by the Director of Human Resources and kept on file in that office. Blank forms are kept in the Office of Student Services and the Business Office.
Accidents Involving Pedestrians, Motor Vehicles, Bicycles, Animals or Any Fixed Object
These accidents must be reported on an Accident Report form and forwarded to the Director of Human Resources. Blank forms are kept in the Human Resources Office.
Athletic Injuries
In the event of an injury to a DSCC student participating in intercollegiate athletics, both the First Report of Athletic Injury and Athletic Injury forms are filled out. These reports are to be completed by the DSCC Athletic Director or the athlete’s coach. Copies of the report are forwarded to the President and the Vice President for the College. The purpose of the First Report of Athletic Injury is to identify the nature and details of the injury. The Athletic Injury form is used to file a claim to the insurance company stating the nature of the athletic injury. Blank copies of both of these forms are kept in the Director of Athletics Office.
Employee Illness or Injury
A First Report of Employee Injury or Illness form is filled out for any employee who is injured or becomes ill due to occupational duties while working at the College. This form is completed by the employee’s immediate supervisor and copies are forwarded to the Director of Human Resources within 24 hours of the injury or illness. This form includes pertinent background information, the nature of the injury or illness, and a recording of the supervisor’s knowledge of the injury or illness. Blank copies of the form should be kept on file in each office and may be obtained from the Business Office.
The Office of Human Resources will use the information provided on the First Report of Employee Injury or Illness form to report the claim to the worker’s compensation insurance carrier if medical attention is required. The Office of Human Resources will schedule an appointment with a network provider on the behalf of the employee. Once the report is filed with worker’s compensation, the incident is recorded on the OSHA log, and the form and correlating documentation are filed in Human Resources. If medical attention is not required, the First Report of Employee Injury or Illness form will be filed in Human Resources.
All faculty, staff and students must adhere to this policy.
Revision History:
Policy written May, 1999. Policy revised April, 2013; approved by Administrative Council on 06/26/2013.