The purpose of this policy is to specify a plan of action to be followed regarding gifts and donations made to the DSCC Learning Resources Centers.
The scope of this policy is applicable to donated library materials as well as monetary donations.
Dyersburg State Community College Learning Resource Center welcomes and encourages gifts of resources. Donors should contact the Dean of the Learning Resource Center about the process of making donations. The donor may bring the resources to the LRC or they may be mailed. If the donation is more than one box of resources and if the donor is unable to transport the boxes, the boxes may be picked up by the staff of the College.
The LRC reserves the right to accept or decline any gifts. The LRC also reserves the right to make appropriate disposition of the resources, once they are donated. For items added to the collections, the values placed on the resources will be based upon the estimated fair value of the items in professional and library trade resources on the date donated. The Donor will be sent a letter thanking him or her for the donation. A copy of the letter will be sent to the President of the College and the Vice-President of Institutional Advancement.
Donors who wish to make monetary contributions to the Learning Resource Center may make checks out to Dyersburg State Community College Annual Fund. The donor must designate that the funds are to go to the Learning Resource Center. If the donor wishes the contribution to be a memorial or honor, the donor should state this as a part of the gift. A book plate or other appropriate designation will be placed on the resource. A letter will be sent to the family or person so designated.
All DSCC employees must adhere to this policy.
Revision History:
Revised: November 11, 2004
Revised June 22, 2014 Policy approved by Administrative Council on 06/25/2014