08:04:08:00 Off-Campus Library Services


The purpose of this policy is to describe the scope of library services offered by the Dyersburg State Community College Learning Resource Centers (LRCs) to students, faculty, and staff at all of the off-campus locations as well as to remote users.


In addition to the Learning Resource Center (LRC) on the Dyersburg campus, DSCC offers library services through the Learning Resource Centers for users at the Jimmy Naifeh Center in Covington and at the Gibson County Center in Trenton as well as to all online, dual enrollment, and TN eCampus users.


Staffing at both off-campus locations can include full and part time staff supplemented by temporary and/or student workers depending on the current schedule of hour’s open of each LRC location.

Off-campus library services include, but are not limited to the following:
• Accessing online databases and links to recommended internet websites through the LRC’s information gateway webpage
• Searching, locating, and requesting materials from the online catalog
• Borrowing materials from the LRC’s collections
• Borrowing laptop computers and camcorders by students, faculty, and staff through the DSCC Help Desk.
• Obtaining reference and research assistance, such as instruction in the use of online databases, electronic books, and periodical databases of scholarly journals
• Requesting books and periodical articles through an Interlibrary loan email link on the LRC webpage
• “In library use” borrowing of textbooks by students which have been donated to the LRCs collections by faculty
• Lending of physical items held by the LRC’s circulating collections by courier among the off-campus locations.

All library services and resources are available to all DSCC students, faculty, and staff regardless of their physical location. Friendly assistance will be delivered in person or via phone, email, or within the current course management system, Desire 2 Learn (D2L). The Dean of the LRC is embedded as the “Librarian” within all class lists within D2L so as to be able respond directly to student’s questions at their point of need.

All policies related to library services at one location are in effect at all locations such as policies related to borrowing privileges, the use (including copyright restrictions) and return of library materials, and the length of loan periods which apply to the materials at all locations. Every effort will be made to insure that resources regularly needed for courses are available at off-campus locations. See DSCC Policy 09.09.03 LRC Collection Resource Management Policy for more specifics related collection development and collection management.


All DSCC employees must adhere to this policy.



Revision History:

Revised November 11, 2004. Policy approved by Administrative Council on 09/26/2017.

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