The purpose of this policy is to provide specifications for life-cycle costs and energy efficiency standards in accordance with TBR Policy 04:02:10:00, Sections XXVII and XXVIII.
This policy applies to purchasing goods, services, structures, and systems.
A. Life-Cycle Costs
- It is the policy of DSCC to use the life-cycle costs of commodities as developed and disseminated by the federal government when feasible. (T.C.A. § 12-3-602)
- In determining life-cycle costs, the acquisition cost of the product, the energy consumption and the projected energy cost of energy over the useful life of the product and the anticipated resale or salvage value of the product may be considered in the evaluation. (T.C.A. § 12-3-606)
B. Energy Efficiency Standards
- Energy Star is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy that has established energy efficiency standards that are used by the Federal Government in its contracting for major energy-consuming products, as well as energy efficient best practices.
- DSCC shall use energy efficiency standards prescribed by Energy Star for the purchase of energy-consuming products.
- The Energy Star website (http://www.energystar.gov) provides a qualified list of products and commodities meeting Energy Star’s minimal energy specifications, life-cycle costing calculations, life-cycle formula information and qualified products that meet Energy Star’s rating for using less energy and helping to protect the environment. (T.C.A. §§12-3-604 & 12-3-605).
- Products and commodities listed on the Energy Star website’s list of qualified products and commodities will be used as “acceptable brands and models” on bid documents.
- The minimal energy specifications for products and commodities listed on the Energy Star Qualified Products list (see link above) must be included in the line item specifications on all bid documents for the purchase of major energy-consuming products.
All faculty and staff must comply with this policy.
Life-cycle cost – sum of all recurring and non-recurring costs over the full lifespan of a good, service, structure, or system including the projected energy cost.
Revision History:
Policy written January 2006. Policy updated April 2015. Approved by Administrative Council January 29, 2016.