07:02:03:00 Purchase Orders


The purpose of this policy is to describe criteria for the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment and services in accordance with the Tennessee Board of Regents Policy 04:02:10:00 and Purchasing Guideline B-120.


This policy covers purchasing of materials, supplies, equipment and services at DSCC.


Procurement of goods and services shall be in compliance with all applicable federal and state requirements and TBR Policies including TBR Purchasing Policy 4:02:10:00.

The following policies and procedures are adopted as minimum standards for Dyersburg State Community College to purchase materials, supplies, equipment and services. The purchasing procedures are designed to inform the faculty and other staff of details connected with procurement and to afford budget control for all functional areas. Each person who will require goods and services to accomplish their objective should become familiar with this policy.

Purchases less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) may be procured via direct invoice to the Accounts Payable Specialist in the Comptroller’s office, DSCC purchasing card or by requisition via Jaggaer e-Procurement System (preferred method). All purchases five hundred dollars ($500.00) and greater must be procured by entering a Requisition in Jaggaer.  A Purchase Order will be system generated to the vendor upon approval in Jaggaer.  Purchases between $25,000 and $100,000 are considered informal solicitations and require three (3) quotes. The request for quote (RFQ) sent to the vendors should provide each vendor with the same specifics of the purchase.  Quotes do not require an original signature and may be written or electronic. Complete file documentation must be maintained by the department securing the quotes and making the purchase.  Purchases greater than $100,000 are considered formal solicitations will require sealed bids via RFQ, RFP or ITB handled through the Administrative Services Office.  All purchases for computer hardware and software must be approved by the Vice President for Information Technology.   Exception to the requirement of quotes (RFQ) or sealed bids (RFP) is if the purchase is a sole source purchase.  Documentation must be maintained supporting the justification of the vendor as a sole source supplier for the purchase. Supporting documentation should include at least one of the following letters: (a) letter from the supplier detailing the basis for non-competitive purchase, (b) letter from business and industry which supports the purchase of a particular good or service as industry or business standard or (c) letter from the manufacturer specifying their distribution practices, i.e., available only directly or through distributors.  (Note:  all letters mentioned in this section are to be provided on the originator’s company letterhead and must be signed by an authorized official of the company.)  In addition to at least one of the aforementioned letters, the Justification for Non-Competitive Purchases and Contracts Form must be completed by the department making the purchase.  All documentation for the Sole Source Purchase should be attached to the purchasing requisition in Jaggaer.

No procurement shall be divided or split to circumvent the proper procurement process. For example, if seven items totaling $3,000 are needed for a particular project or purpose and can be obtained from a single source of supply, these items should be obtained via a Purchase Order instead of multiple small dollar purchases. Except as specifically provided in this policy or other TBR policies or guidelines, the authority of the President pursuant to these policies and procedures shall not include the purchase or lease of real property, information technology equipment over $249,999.99, the purchase of insurance, or purchases for capital outlay projects from any fund source whatsoever. Goods and services may be procured without competitive bidding only if such purchases are justified in writing and approved by the President or Chancellor as required by TBR policies and guidelines. In cases where the TBR policies and procedures do not address a specific procedure for purchase of a particular item, the Department of General Services’ rules and regulations will govern, if applicable. The President may delegate approval authority as specified in this policy to their designees. Time periods specified in this policy shall be calculated by excluding the first day and including the last, unless the last day is a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday, and then it shall also be excluded.


Any employee found to have violated this policy may be held responsible for the purchase and shall be liable for any state funds paid contrary to this policy.  Any violation of purchasing procedures requires purchasing justification in the form of email approval from the Vice President of Finance & Administrative Services.


Requisition: a formal request for goods and/or services.
Purchase Order: written authorization requesting a vendor to furnish goods to a purchaser.
Purchasing Card: The credit card issued to departments for College purchasing use.
Jaggaer: DSCC’s online electronic procurement system.
Sole Source Purchase: procurement of a good or service from a single uniquely qualified vendor.
RFQ: Request for Quotation for goods and/or services.
RFP: Request for Proposal for goods and/or services (a more detailed format and procedure than RFQ’s).
ITB: Invitation to Bid for goods and/or services (generally the same thing as RFQ).

Revision History:

Policy created September 2004. Policy updated April 2011; approved by Administrative Council on 4/29/11. Policy updated April 2015; approved by Administrative Council on January 29, 2016. Policy updated on January 10, 2017. Approved by Admin Council on January 27, 2017. Policy updated April 24, 2018 approved by Admin Council on April 27, 2018. Policy updated and approved by Admin Council on September 29, 2022. .  Policy updated and approved by Admin Council on September 29,2022.  Policy updated and approved by Admin Council on February 16, 2023.

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