07:01:01:00 DSCC Purchasing Introduction Policy


The purpose of this policy is to introduce DSCC purchasing policies and procedures.


The DSCC Purchasing Introduction Policy applies to purchasing by all faculty and staff.


Procurement of goods and services shall be in compliance with all applicable federal and state requirements and TBR Policies including TBR Purchasing Policy 4:02:10:00.

The following policies and procedures are adopted as minimum standards for Dyersburg State Community College to purchase materials, supplies, equipment and services. The purchasing procedures are designed to inform the faculty and other staff of details connected with procurement and to afford budget control for all functional areas. Each person who will require goods and services to accomplish their objective should become familiar with this manual.

Except as specifically provided in this policy or other TBR policies or guidelines, the authority of the President pursuant to these policies and procedures shall not include the purchase or lease of real property, data processing equipment over $249,999.99, the purchase of insurance, or purchases for capital outlay projects from any fund source whatsoever. Goods and services may be procured without competitive bidding only if such purchases are justified in writing and approved by the President or Chancellor as required by TBR policies and guidelines. In cases where the TBR policies and procedures do not address a specific procedure for purchase of a particular item, the Department of General Services’ rules and regulations will govern, if applicable. The President may delegate approval authority as specified in this policy to their designees. Time periods specified in this policy shall be calculated by excluding the first day and including the last, unless the last day is a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday, and then it shall also be excluded.


All faculty and staff must comply with this policy.



Revision History:

Policy written January 2006
Policy approved by Administrative Council on 05/30/2014

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