The purpose of this policy is to outline the method by which Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) administrators are evaluated each year.
This policy applies to all DSCC administrators.
DSCC evaluates the effectiveness of each administrator on an annual basis in accord with published criteria. The purpose of the evaluation is to assist the employee in improving future job performance. Responsibility for evaluating administrators begins with the immediate supervisor, who completes the DSCC Performance Evaluation for Administrative Personnel by April 30 each year. The Performance Appraisal Instructions state that supervisors complete an evaluation form during the first three weeks of April for each of their employees and review the form with each employee to discuss all aspects of his/her performance. The supervisor rates the employee for the entire review period based on the following rubric:
5 – Outstanding: Results achieved consistently exceed the requirement of the job; contribution far exceeds what is normally expected; exceptional performance.
4 – Exceeds Expectations: Results achieved exceed the job consistently; seeks out opportunities for better ways to achieve better results; overall job performance is superior.
3 – Meets Expectations: Results achieved meet the job requirements; consistently achieves expected results; rarely falls short of achieving what is expected.
2 – Needs Improvement: Marginal performance; borderline; questionable; fair; must improve to satisfy position requirements.
1 – Unsatisfactory: Inadequate performance; frequently falls short of expected results.
0 – Not Applicable: May be used for #11, #13, #14, and #15 if the rating does not apply..
During the performance review meeting, the job description should be reviewed for possible revision. The employee should complete a Personal Learning Plan to discuss during the performance review. In addition, the supervisor and employee will jointly determine the weight given to each of the 15 questions on the evaluation form based on the relative importance of each question to the job responsibilities. The weight for a question will be the percent of total job performance associated with that question. The sum of all the weights for all questions will be 100. The use of weights allows the evaluation system to be molded to fit the requirements of the job description.
All appraisal forms are turned in to the President’s Office by way of the President’s staff on the fourth Friday in April.
All administrators and their supervisors must comply with this policy
Revision History:
Policy written February 1, 2017, and approved by Administrative Council on February 2, 2017 by on-line vote.