The purpose of this policy is to define the procedures for the delegation of authority and signature authorization at Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC).
This policy applies when exercising the delegation of authority and signature authorization for any transaction that could create a financial liability for the institution. Examples include, but are not limited to, the signing of contracts, purchase orders, memorandums of agreement and travel authorizations. Examples outside the scope of this policy include, but are not limited to, course overloads, student advising and reductions in student course loads.
Delegations/authorizations must be in writing with the level of authority, period of authority and any restrictions on authority clearly noted. Delegations should be given to personnel directly reporting to the official holding the authority. Personnel with delegated authority should be qualified to perform the necessary functions through training and experience. The person making the delegation is responsible for ensuring that the person for which authority is delegated is qualified and understands the application of the authority. The ramifications of exceeding or misapplying one’s delegated authority should be clearly understood and uniformly enforced.
All faculty and staff must adhere to this policy. A Delegation Form must be completed each time the signature authority is delegated and kept on file. Persons found to be in violation of this policy will have their names reported to the President of the college. Periodic training should be provided to ensure persons with delegated authority have a clear and current understanding of their authority and its limitations.
Delegation Form: The document completed by both the President and the Designee to assign signatory authority. The form should include the type of documents that can be signed by the designee.
Revision History:
Policy created July, 2012; approved by Administrative Council on 07/27/2012.