10:01:03:00 DSCC Workplace Safety Policy


The purpose of this policy is to maintain a work/educational environment free from intimidation, threats, violent acts and theft for faculty, staff and students.


This includes, but is not limited to, intimidating, threatening or hostile behaviors, physical abuse, vandalism, arson, sabotage, use of weapons, carrying weapons of any kind onto school or institution property, or any other act, which is inappropriate to the workplace. In addition, jokes or offensive comments regarding violent events will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary measures.

(Note: Fulltime Faculty and Staff please refer to TBR Policy 7:01:00:00 concerning Concealed Handgun Carry Laws. Revised July 2016).


Employees who feel they have been subjected to any of the behaviors listed above are requested to immediately report the incident to their supervisor or the Human Resources Department. Complaints will be investigated. Based upon the results, disciplinary action will be taken against the offender, if appropriate.

The college reserves the right to take any and all action required to enforce the above policy including searching and inspection of school property and material brought into or out of the workplace.

Employees (faculty (including adjunct), staff, and students) who observe or have knowledge of any violation of this policy should immediately report it to their supervisor or security. We will take action when unforeseen events transpire and look to employees for support of this policy.


Enforcement of this policy shall be handled by those designated by the Director of Physical Plant including security personnel.


Revision History:

Policy written 03/19/2012 by Director Physical Plant.
Revision written Approved by HEOA committee 04/11/11.
Policy approved by Administrative Council on 8/31/2017

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