09:09:03:00 LRC Collection Resource Management Policy


The purpose of this policy is to specify a plan of collection development which supports student success that is dedicated to providing quality, relevant, timely, and accessible information resources in a variety of formats.

Library materials are acquired to serve these basic purposes of usage by students in connection with class work, of support for instructors in preparing for the teaching of classes, of support for college staff in professional development, and of the promotion and support of life-long learning and cultural development. As the college’s immediate and future goals and specific programs offered evolve and change, this policy will ensure that library collections are in place to both maintain current levels of excellence and to support new areas of study and teaching.


The scope of this policy is applicable to all resources, regardless of format, considered as part of the collections of library materials (or holdings) at all DSCC Learning Resource Centers.


Weeding and Discarding of Physical LRC Resources (currently approved Policy The Learning Resource Center’s collections are to be current, up-to-date, and relevant in order to meet the needs of the curriculum. Every two to three years faculty is requested to review the collection for the purpose of weeding and discarding. When a determination has been made to discard resources, a list of these resources will be sent to the appropriate faculty members for review. Once the review process has been completed, discard procedures will be followed according to the policies of Dyersburg State Community College and TBR.
Discard procedures for Dyersburg State Community College Learning Resource Center are as follows:

  1. Resources will be physically removed from the collection.
  2. Bibliographic information of the resources will be removed from any records maintained by the LRC.
  3. Resources will be disposed of, if not claimed by another TBR library, following TBR policy.

    Acquisitions Guidelines for Formats
    • Non-fiction works are based on relationship to curriculum, accuracy of contents, quality of writing, cost, format, extent to which the subject matter is represented in the collection, social significance, and timeliness or permanent value.
    • Fiction works are evaluated according to the nonfiction guidelines plus readability and literary style.
    • Reference materials are chosen on the basis of authority, reliability, scope, treatment, arrangement, format, cost, existing holdings, and estimated frequency of use.
    • Magazines and journals are carefully chosen with input from faculty because purchases in this area involve an ongoing commitment to continuing subscriptions in future years. Preference is given to titles available in electronic formats with considerations of cost and functionality.
    • Textbooks which are used in courses currently taught may be purchased from a special textbook account. They are held on reserve and limited to “library use only” along with supplementary materials from instructors.
    • Non-print materials are considered on the same basis as print materials.

    Selection Process
    The library staff and the teaching faculty work cooperatively in the selecting of materials for the library collection.
    Each individual member of the faculty is encouraged to regularly examine the library’s holdings in his/her subject area, and assess the adequacy with respect to current teaching emphasis, and recommend possible discard (such as those in poor physical condition, obsolete, or contents no longer accurate) as well as the purchase of new titles.
    Annual surveys will gather recommendations from faculty; however, library materials may be requested at any time of the year, but extensive requests may be set aside by the library for action later in the year due to budgetary restraints.
    Student requests and those from college administration and staff are encouraged.
    The final decision to purchase all library materials is the responsibility of the Dean of the LRC.

    DSCC LRC Donations Policy (currently as part of approved Policy 09:09:01)
    Dyersburg State Community College Learning Resource Center welcomes and encourages gifts of resources. Donors should contact the Dean of the Learning Resource Center about the process of making donations. The donor may bring the resources to the LRC or they may be mailed. If the donation is more than one box of resources and if the donor is unable to transport the boxes, the boxes may be picked up by the staff of the College.

    The LRC reserves the right to accept or decline any gifts. The LRC also reserves the right to make appropriate disposition of the resources, once they are donated. For items added to the collections, the values placed on the resources will be based upon the estimated fair value of the items in professional and library trade resources on the date donated. The Donor will be sent a letter thanking him or her for the donation. A copy of the letter will be sent to the President of the College and the Vice-President of Institutional Advancement.

    Requests for Reconsideration of Library Materials
    All requests for reconsideration regarding any library material must be presented in writing on the appropriate form for review and evaluation before any action is taken. When a request is received concerning the merits of materials, it shall be addressed first to the Dean of the LRC. The Dean of the LRC will determine whether to refer the matter to the Vice President for the College or the President of the College for a recommendation. All such requests will be responded to in writing.


All DSCC employees must adhere to this policy.


Collections: Collections are specific groupings of related resources.

Holdings: Holdings are comprised of all of the collections owned by the LRC.

Revision History:

Revised: November 11, 2004
Revised June 22, 2014 Policy approved by Administrative Council on 06/25/2014
Policy written 02/10/16 by DSCC LRC Standing Committee. Approved by email on 2/16/2016.

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