09:07:02:00 Tobacco Free Campus


The purpose of this policy is to prohibit the use of tobacco in any form on or in property owned, rented or leased by Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC).


This policy applies to the entire college community, including employees, students, contractors and visitors.


In an effort to promote a healthy environment free of tobacco related smoke and debris, the use of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes or like devices in all Dyersburg State Community College property is prohibited. Tobacco usage and the use of electronic cigarettes or like devices are permitted only in private vehicles.


While the success of this policy will depend on the thoughtfulness, consideration, and cooperation of both tobacco users and non-users, enforcement of this policy shall be handled by security and the person(s) responsible for activities carried out within the particular room, facility, or program area. The names of students who violate this policy should be given to the Dean of Student Services for appropriate disciplinary action. The Director of Physical Plant shall be responsible for providing appropriate signs.


College Property: All buildings and indoor facilities, campus grounds and walkways, including off campus locations, athletic fields and courts, parking lots and vehicles that are owned, rented or leased by Dyersburg State Community College.

Revision History:

Tobacco policy created August 1992; approved by Administrative Council June, 1992. Policy revisions made November, 1992, March, 1995 and December, 2010.

Tobacco Free Revision recommended April, 2011 by SGA and PTK – Alpha Epsilon Alpha Chapter; approved by Administrative Council on April 29, 2011. Policy revisions made June, 2013; approved by Administrative Council June 28, 2013.

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