09:05:02:00 Employee Exchange Policies and Procedures


The purpose of this policy is to support Dyersburg State Community College’s commitments to provide opportunities for revitalization and renewal of its faculty and staff by providing alternative means for staff development through employee exchange.


This policy applies to all regular (non-temporary) full-time faculty and staff who have been employed by the college for a period of at least three (3) years. Faculty participants must have approval of their Division Dean, Vice President for the College, and President before applying for any exchange. All other staff participants must have the approval of their immediate supervisor and the President before applying for any exchange.

Incoming faculty participants must meet SACSCOC criteria. No incoming faculty participant may begin teaching unless he/she has been certified by the Division Dean, Vice President for the College, and President and it is on file at the college.


I. General Statement
Faculty exchange assignments with higher educational institutions, other appropriate educational institutions, business and industry, and private or governmental agencies provide opportunities for faculty to acquire new information and skills, to bring to their home institutions a general awareness of different environments which are relevant to their teaching areas, and to expand experiences with the objective of improving their professional expertise.

II. Faculty Exchange and Personnel Status
A full-time faculty member who applies for an “Exchange” which is subsequently approved by the President must remain on the payroll of the home institution and retain a condition of employment which continues all benefits for which he or she has qualified as a full-time faculty member. Time spent on the “Exchange” constitutes an equivalent teaching load activity which, shall be subject to prior review and approval by the President or his or her designee.

III. Criteria for Exchange Status
A. A full-time faculty member may only be approved for “Exchange” status if the home institution enters into a contract whereby the host institution provides, in exchange, an employee who will be assigned (for a comparable percentage of full-time load) to the home institution.
B. The home institution is responsible for the salary and benefits of the full-time faculty member assigned to an “Exchange.” The host institution is responsible for salary and benefits of the employee being provided in exchange.
C. The work load assignment for the full-time faculty member assigned to an “Exchange” shall be determined by the host institution. Likewise, the home institution shall determine the work load assignment of the employee being provided in exchange.
D. No exchange assignment shall be formally initiated with a host institution unless requested by the faculty member and approved by the President.
E. No exchange assignment shall be approved by the President unless it meets the following provisions:

  1. Serves as an integral component of the faculty development plan; and
  2. Supports the “General Statement” included as paragraph 1 above.

IV. Guidelines for the employee exchange policies and procedures:
• Number of Exchanges – The number of exchanges which occur at a college will be approved by the President or his/her designee based upon the availability of resources and the effect of the exchange upon the teaching and service functions of the college.
• Length of Exchange – The length of any exchange will not exceed one year. Any exception to this policy must be approved by the President.

V. Vested Rights
• Participation in an exchange will not affect an employee’s position on the salary schedule, provided careful evaluation is completed by their exchange supervisor and the chief academic officer at the host institution and sent to the President of his/her home institution.
• Participation in an exchange will not affect a probationary faculty member’s progress toward tenure and promotion status, provided careful evaluation is completed by their exchange supervisor and the chief academic officer at the host institution and sent to the President of his/her home institution.

Exchange Assignment and Obligations – The assignments, obligations, and other understandings for any exchange participant for a period of exchange will be detailed in a Memorandum of Agreement which must be signed by the appropriate chief executive officer or his/her designee.
Facilities and Resources – The College will provide to incoming participants the same access to opportunities and resources as it does for its own employees, including, but not limited to travel pay, office space, clerical assistance, and staff development services. Any exceptions or prohibitions will be stated in the Memorandum of Agreement.
Housing and Relocation – The college will provide neither housing nor relocation costs for incoming or outgoing participants.
Exchange Commitments – Unless there are extremely unusual or extenuating circumstances, the college will honor commitments made in the exchange program for both outgoing and incoming participants.
Other Considerations – Procedures developed to implement the Exchange Program will be formulated through the Vice President of the College under the direction of the President or his/her designee. Applications for participation in the program will be distributed by the CCEP Coordinator.

VI. Exceptions
Exceptions to these guidelines may be proposed by the President for approval by the Chancellor.


All DSCC employees are expected to adhere to this policy.


External Exchange: the exchange of faculty or staff members with an educational, governmental, or business institution outside the college.

Outgoing Participant: a faculty or staff member leaving his/her present assignment for a temporary exchange outside the college.

Incoming Participant: a faculty or staff member from an outside organization who by reason of an exchange will be temporarily assigned to a college position.

Revision History:

Approved November, 1989; approved by Administrative Council on 06/25/2014. Policy revised October 2016; approved by Administrative Council on November 30, 2016.

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