The purpose of this policy is to explain the purposes and membership of the standing committees at Dyersburg State Community College.
This policy applies to all faculty and staff members at Dyersburg State Community College.
Admissions and Retention Standards Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Admissions and Retention Standards Committee is responsible for listening to the concerns of DSCC students who are on Academic Suspension while adhering to the retention standards of the institution. In this role, the Committee reviews the written and verbal appeals of suspended students to determine if reinstatement is warranted.
The Admissions and Retention Standards Committee reviews proposed changes in the institution’s admissions policies if these changes are outside the purview of the Tennessee Board of Regents. The Admissions and Retention Standards Committee hears appeals in residency classification and recommends the appropriate residency classification of the appellants to the Director of Admissions and Records.
The chair is elected by the membership.
Four faculty members designated from Arts and Sciences (2);
Business, Technology, and Allied Health (1); and Nursing (1)
At least one student designated by the Dean of Students Services
Vice President for the College, ex officio
Dean of Student Services, ex officio
President, ex officio
Arboretum Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Arboretum Committee will provide guidance in the maintenance and design of tree related development and care on the campus of Dyersburg State Community College. They will help DSCC achieve and maintain arboretum status from the state of TN.
Student Activities Coordinator
Faculty member from the biology department
One representative from physical plant staff
At least one student designated by the Dean of Student Services
Community members as appointed by the committee
Vice President for the College, ex officio
President, ex officio
Athletic Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Athletic Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Dean of Student Services and to the President concerning the college athletic program. The committee is concerned with the development and implementation of the athletic program as it relates to the overall philosophy and objectives of the institution.
The chairperson is elected by the committee and has the responsibility of scheduling meetings and for keeping the committee apprised of the activities of the program.
Student Activities Coordinator
Two faculty members from different divisions
At least one student designated by the Dean of Students Services
One representative from physical plant staff appointed by the Vice President for
Finance and Administrative Services
Staff member(s)
Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services, ex officio
Intercollegiate Athletic Coaches, ex officio
Cheerleader Sponsor, ex officio
Athletic Director, ex officio
Dean of Student Services, ex officio
President, ex officio
Behavioral Threat Assessment Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Behavioral Threat Assessment committee will evaluate the needs of faculty, staff and students and provide necessary assistance to students who are identified as distressed, disturbed, disruptive and/or threatening.
Dean of Student Services
Counselor/ ADA Coordinator
Assistant Director, Physical Facilities
Dean of the Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County
Director of the Gibson County Center
Faculty/Staff representative
Vice President for the College, ex officio
President, ex officio
Budget Advisory Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Committee reviews needs presented during the annual budget hearings and recommends budget priorities to the President.
President, Convenor
Representatives of the faculty and staff
Dean of Arts and Sciences, ex officio
Dean of the Learning Resource Center, ex officio
Dean of the Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County, ex officio
Dean of Business, Technology, and Allied Health, ex officio
Dean of Student Services, ex officio
Dean of Nursing, ex officio
Vice President for the College, ex officio
Vice President of Finance and Administrative Services, ex officio
Vice President of Institutional Advancement and Continuing Education, ex officio
Vice President of Technology and Computer Services, ex officio
Vice President for Workforce Development Northwest TN Workforce Board
Dyersburg State Community College, ex officio
College Development Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Campus Development Committee advises the President on the orderly development of campus projects. Specifically, the committee assists in
(1) establishing needs in terms of the overall master plan;
(2) receiving and evaluating ideas on campus development from College personnel and students and presenting these ideas to the President;
(3) recommending priorities relative to the implementation of campus projects;
(4) reviewing plans that are developed for individual projects;
(5) disseminating information to College personnel about the campus development activities of the Committee;
(6) reviewing all services and accommodations commensurate with the needs of disabled students, faculty, and staff.
Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services, Chair
One staff member designated by the Dean of Students Services
At least three faculty members
At least one student annually designated by the Dean of Student Services
Director of Physical Plant, ex officio
President, ex officio
Communications Emergency Response Team
Statement of Purpose:
The Communications Emergency Response Team will have the responsibility of disseminating internal and external communications in the event of a crisis. The committee would also have the responsibility of setting up an emergency media center as needed. The team will participate in drills and training in emergency communications response procedures.
Director of Public Information, Chair
Computer Services staff designated by the Vice President of Technology and
Computer Services
Director of Administrative Services
Director of Distance Education
Director of Institutional Research
Director of Computer Services
Executive Aide, Public Information
Media Specialist
Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Continuing Education
Vice President for Technology and Computer Services
Vice President for the College
President, ex officio
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Review Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Conflict of Interest Disclosure Review Committee reviews and evaluates disclosures generated under Sections 8 and 9 of TBR Policy No. 1:02:03:10. Section 8 is entitled “General Disclosure Requirements” and Section 9 is “Special Disclosure Requirements for Researchers Applying for or receiving NSF or PHS funding.”
At least three faculty and/or staff members
Internal Auditor
Committee members appointed by the President
President, ex officio
Diversity Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Diversity Committee ensures educational equity for all who enter Dyersburg State Community College by helping to create an atmosphere that fosters a philosophy of respect for the diverse nature of the campus population. With this in mind, the committee will focus on educational equity and work to create an atmosphere where each individual is valued regardless of gender, race, disability, age or any factor that would lead to discrimination.
Faculty and Staff
Dean of Student Services, ex officio
Director of Student Life, ex officio
Vice President for the College, ex officio
President, ex officio
Emergency Response Management Team
Statement of Purpose:
The Emergency Response Management Team has the responsibility of assisting the President in the oversight and implementation of an emergency response plan as needed. The team will participate in drills and training in emergency response procedures.
President, Chair
Administrative Assistant II, President’s Office
Building Security Coordinators (appointed by the President)
Faculty members
Interested staff members
Dean of Nursing
Dean of Student Services
Director of Physical Plant
Assistant Director of Physical Facilities
Director of Public Information
Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services
Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Continuing Education
Vice President for Technology and Computer Services
Vice President for the College
Faculty and Staff Development Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Faculty and Staff Development Committee recommends faculty, professional non-faculty, and support staff development activities on campus in support of the intellectual and professional growth needs of the employees. These programs provide for instructional improvement, professional development assistance, or institutional improvement. The Committee determines areas of interest to general faculty and staff. The Committee recommends appropriate activities for Fall and Spring Conference Days, as well as other suitable events that may be recommended at other times during the academic year. The Committee provides potential activities in priority ranking to the President through the chairperson and the Vice President for the College. The Committee recommends use of the College faculty and staff development fund in an equitable fashion. The Committee prepares an annual report to the President listing the activities and their impact on awardees and the College.
Chair, appointed annually from the Committee by the President
Faculty Assembly Chair from the previous year*
One academic division dean, appointed by the Vice President for the College*
One adjunct faculty member selected by the three division deans
Dean of Student Services
One Business Office Representative, appointed by the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services
Administrative Professionals Council Chair representative
One representative from technical\paraprofessional, service/maintenance
At least two faculty members*
Staff as Needed
At least one student
Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services, ex officio
Vice President for the College, ex officio
President, ex officio
*Appointment of these faculty representatives shall be made in such a way that the three academic divisions are represented.
Financial Aid Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Financial Aid Committee makes recommendations concerning financial aid policies. In addition, the Committee is responsible for coordinating all financial aid activities, promoting scholarships for the College, considering applicants (including athletes) for financial aid, making awards, and keeping scholarship donors informed concerning progress of their scholarship holders. The Committee serves as the Financial Aid Appeals Committee convening as such with the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services as chair and the Director of Financial Aid sitting in a non-voting capacity. The Committee serves as the panel for hearing appeals from decisions denying or revoking applicants’ Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship Program awards. The awarding of athletic scholarships will be nominated by this Committee. The Financial Aid Committee may make decisions when the majority of the members are present counting ex officios.
The chair is elected by the members.
Three faculty members
One Business Office representative
At least one student selected by the Dean of Students Services
Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services (appeals only)
Intercollegiate Athletic Coaches, ex officio
Director of Financial Aid, ex officio
Director of Athletics, ex officio
President, ex officio
Honors Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Honor’s Committee is responsible for planning and implementing all honor student activities for Dyersburg State Community College students. In this role, the Committee is responsible for curriculum, seminars, admission standards, program articulation with four-year institutions, recruitment, and coordination of special activities.
The Honor’s Committee reviews proposed changes to the program on a yearly basis if these changes are outside the purview of the Tennessee Board of Regents.
The Honor’s Committee sets eligibility standards and hears appeals for admission into the program and, as a committee, determines exceptions in eligibility.
Faculty members representing the three academic divisions
Interested administrative staff members
Vice President for the College, ex officio
President, ex-officio
Information Technology Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Information Technology Committee serves as an oversight committee for the information technology functions of the college. The committee will be responsible for setting the information technology strategic direction of the college by reviewing and contributing to planning documents such as the Three-Year plan and the disaster recovery plan.
President, Chair
Vice President for the College
Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services
Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Continuing Education
Vice President for Technology and Computer Services
Dean of Student Services
Dean of the Learning Resource Center
At least one student designated by the Dean of Student Services (user of a computer lab)
Chair, Teaching and Learning Technology Development Committee
Instructional Council
Statement of Purpose:
The Instructional Council is responsible for all matters pertaining to curriculum changes, academic standards, and academic admission and readmission requirements. The Instructional Council makes recommendations to the President through the Vice President for the College.
The President appoints the chair of the Instructional Council annually.
Chair, named by the President
Three full-time faculty from the Arts and Science Division
Two full-time faculty from the Business, Technology, and Allied Health Division
One full-time faculty from the Nursing Division
One adjunct faculty member selected by the three division deans
At least one student designated annually by Dean of Students
Representative from Student Services designated by the Dean of Student Services
Dean of LRC, ex officio
Vice President of the College, ex officio
President of the College, ex officio
International Studies Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The International Studies Committee reviews and makes recommendations on the spending of the International Studies fee. The committee will (1) plan student and faculty\/staff international travel, (2) recommend criteria for funding of travel requests from students, faculty and staff, (3) recommend funding of travel requests from students, faculty and staff, (4) plan and coordinate international/intercultural events at the College and (5) support internationalization of the curriculum.
Coordinator of International Studies, Convenor
Faculty and Staff
Vice President for the College, ex officio
President, ex officio
Learning Resource Center Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Learning Resource Center Committee reviews LRC policies and makes recommendations to the President through the Vice President for the College. This Committee also serves as the Advisory Committee on Patents and Copyrights.
The chair is elected by the membership.
At least one faculty member from each division
One representative from Continuing Education designated by the Vice President of
Institutional Advancement and Continuing Education
A dual enrollment instructor
At least one student designated by the Dean of Students
Dean of the Learning Resource Center, ex officio
Vice President for the College, ex officio
President, ex officio
Outstanding Employees Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Outstanding Employees Committee accepts and reviews nominations and recommends the recipients for the following awards: Staff Member of the Year, Administrative Professional of the Year, and Maintenance Staff Member of the Year. The awards are donated each year by local businesses. The Committee organizes the nomination and award processes and determines the criteria for the awards. The Committee then makes confidential recommendations for outstanding employee award recipients to the President.
The chair of this committee is elected annually by the membership. Membership is void if the member is nominated.
One representative selected from the Administrative Professionals Council
One representative selected from the Administrative Council
One representative from the Maintenance staff
The two most recent recipients of the Staff Member of the Year and the Administrative Professional of the Year Award
At least one student designated by the Dean of Student Services
President, ex officio
Safety and Security Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Safety and Security Committee advises the President on policies and procedures established to reduce the danger to life and property resulting from natural and man-made disasters. Specifically, this committee
(1) reviews the Emergency Preparedness Plan, Safety and Security Procedures flipchart, Campus Safety and Security brochure, and the Dyersburg State Community College catalog and the College’s Pandemic Preparedness and Response Plan at least annually and confirms that they are current and contain consistent information relating to safety procedures;
(2) coordinates the development and offering of appropriate safety and security training programs for faculty and staff;
(3) receives and evaluates ideas on campus safety and security from students, faculty, and staff and presents these ideas to the Committee;
(4) recommends safety and security budgeting priorities to the Budget Advisory Committee; and
(5) develops and makes recommendations for improved campus safety and security to the President.
Chair, appointed annually from the Committee by the President
Interested Faculty and Staff
Director of the Gibson County Center
Director of Physical Plant
Director of Public Relations
Dean of the Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County
WIOA Director of Computer Services
Vice President for Technology and Computer Services
Vice President for the College, ex officio
President, ex officio
Selection Committee for the Outstanding Faculty Award
Statement of Purpose:
The Selection Committee for the Outstanding Faculty Award reviews nominations for the Outstanding Faculty Award. The award of $1,200 is given each year by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Adcock. The Committee chooses the award winner.
Winners of the Outstanding Faculty Award for the past five years
President, ex officio
Strategic Planning Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Strategic Planning Committee is charged with the following responsibilities:
The Strategic Planning Committee will annually review the Mission Statement of DSCC and set goals for the institution at least every five years in coordination with the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) and the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC.) The Committee will review reports and identify areas for improvement as goals are set for the institution. Examples of reports that will be reviewed are: National Community College Benchmark Study, Community College Survey of Student Engagement, THEC Performance Funding, SACS COC Accreditation Report, Quality Enhancement Plan for SACS COC, Program Reviews and other accreditation reports such as: NLN, Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs, American Health Information Management Association, and the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.
President, Chair
Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Continuing Education
Five faculty members (At least one faculty member should have off-campus teaching experience.)
At least one student designated by Dean of Students
Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services
Vice President for the College
Members of Staff of the Vice President for the College
Internal Auditor
Vice President for Technology and Computer Services
Administrative Professionals Council President
Student Affairs Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Student Affairs Committee regulates and administers the affairs of the student body which are co-curricular with the instructional area.
Specifically, the committee is responsible for the following primary areas:
- Establishing and revising the guidelines within the “Student Handbook contained in the college catalog.” These standards include guidelines for the Student Government Association (SGA), student conduct, organizations, group activities, automobile registration and parking, health and safety, and the social program.
- Planning and coordinating all student co-curricular activities such as intramural sports, dances, concerts, lyceum programs, clubs and organizations, and social activities.
- Establishing and reviewing policy for all student publications and meeting as required if problems arise concerning stories, editorials, pictures, or advertisements in any official college publication. The editors of these publications will be invited to attend these meetings when appropriate.
- Selecting and bringing to DSCC locations groups and individuals who will provide to the student body and members of the community a high level of cultural, educational and entertaining experiences.
- Accepting and reviewing nominations, and making recommendations, based on established criteria, for the recipients of the Who’s Who Among Students in Community and Junior Colleges Award.
- Reviewing charges and recommending judgments relative to students whose behavior on or off campus is considered harmful to the College. Specifically, this Committee shall handle matters pertaining to students who violate guidelines and rules found in the Student Services section of the College catalog. Discipline cases will be referred to this Committee by the Vice President for the College when it appears that disciplinary action may be warranted. The Student Affairs Committee will make recommendations through the Vice President for the College to the President for final approval.
The committee recommends to the President, through the Vice President for the College, all major changes pertaining to and affecting the activities of all Dyersburg State students.
The chairperson of the committee is elected by the committee members.
At least three faculty members with one from the Performing Arts area
At least one student designated by the Dean of Students Services
Director of Student Life
International Studies Coordinator
Vice President for the College, ex officio
Dean of Student Services, ex officio
Director of Financial Aid, ex officio
President, ex officio
Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable
Statement of Purpose:
The Teaching, Learning, Technology Roundtable is a forum for exploring, discussing, planning, monitoring and experimenting with information technology in teaching and learning. The TLTR will strive to research and implement innovative uses of technology to foster improved student learning and success. As a measure to ensure academic quality in the realm of technology-based teaching and learning, the TLTR will review and approve all online and hybrid course policies and offerings. In addition, the TLTR will provide recommendations on budget priorities and expenditures through the Vice Presidents to the President on the use of student technology access fees and other revenue sources. The TLTR will increase technology-related communication and collaboration among all areas of the college.
Members to be selected from the following areas:
Continuing Education
2-3 from Arts & Sciences (different disciplines)
2 from Business, Technology, & Allied Health (different disciplines)
Instructional Design Specialist
Adjunct Faculty (at least one)
Student Services
Clerical Staff
Vice President for the College, ex officio
Vice President for Technology and Computer Services, ex officio
President, ex officio
Traffic Appeals Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The Traffic Appeals Committee hears appeals from students and employees who are ticketed for violating the traffic rules.
Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services, Chair
One faculty member
One representative from Student Services appointed by the Dean of Student Services
At least one student appointed by the Dean of Student Services
President, ex officio
Policies for College Committees
Membership on committees is for two years beginning the first day of the spring semester. The President shall be an ex officio member of all College committees. Other ex officio members will be designated. Each committee/council or sub council chair is responsible for the work of his/her committee including the recording of minutes. Minutes should be distributed to faculty and staff and the LRC Archive by email within two weeks after the committee meeting. The LRC will be responsible for keeping all minutes on file.
Recommendations for Membership:
Committee recommendations must be forwarded to the President through the appropriate official for final approval.
Establishment of Committees/Task Forces:
Other committees or task forces may be established by a member of the President’s Council for his/her respective area of responsibility subject to the approval of the President. Normally, additional committees/task forces are subcommittees or ad hoc committees of either the Instructional Council or Student Affairs Committee to the extent that they submit reports or recommendations to one of these two major committees. The membership of subcommittees or ad hoc committees is not, however, restricted to those who are members of the major committees.
Tips for Good Meetings
A. Distribute an agenda in advance of the meeting.
B. Start on time.
C. Encourage participation.
D. Discourage side discussions.
E. Encourage presenters to be prepared.
F. Presenters should prepare a sufficient number of handouts.