The purpose of this policy is to clarify Dyersburg State Community College’s (DSCC) position on employee attendance during inclement weather.
This policy applies to all DSCC employees.
Employees should use their own discretion in driving to work when snowy, icy, flooding, or other storm-related conditions exist. Classes are not canceled and DSCC is not closed except under extreme weather conditions. Weather conditions can vary significantly in DSCC’s service area, so cancellations or delays are announced on area radio and television stations according to the instructional site. Furthermore, the DSCC homepage at www.dscc.edu will be updated with all information concerning cancellations, delays, or closings. Employees should also register their cell phones with RAVE, DSCC’s emergency mass notification system. Employees that choose to miss work due to bad weather conditions when the college is open are expected to use annual leave.
All Dyersburg State Community College employees are expected to adhere to this policy.
Revision History:
Policy approved by Administrative Council on 5/30/2014