The purpose of the policy is to address practical considerations for travel related specifically to the performance of athletic team travel, other group travel and recruiting travel.
This policy is established in recognition of the unique characteristics associated with travel by athletic personnel and teams and other groups at the college. The policy shall apply only to these functions; travel for other purposes by athletic personnel and other groups shall be subject to the TBR’s and DSCC’s General Travel Policies and Procedures (TBR Policy No. 4:03:03:00 and DSCC Policy No. 07:01:00). All travel will be reimbursed subject to TBR Policy No. 4:03:03:00 and DSCC Policy No. 07:01:00. In addition, DSCC athletic personnel shall comply with all pertinent regulations of the National Junior College Athletic Association and the Tennessee Junior and Community College Athletic Association.
Group Travel
- Travel by athletic groups, student groups or other groups of participants in programs or activities of the institution must adhere and be reimbursed according to the following procedures.
A. DSCC officials and guests that accompany the team or student groups on trips must be approved in advance by the appropriate Vice President.
B. In all cases, team and group transportation will be arranged through established DSCC procedures and travel itineraries are to be arranged in advance. Documentation must be maintained in the athletic or other appropriate department or office indicating that various cost alternatives have been explored before making all arrangements and reservations. However, if arrangements are made by DSCC’s purchasing department, the purchasing department should maintain the appropriate documentation.
C. A Group Travel Summary & Roster of all individuals on a particular trip must be included with the itinerary documentation, one per day, for proper accounting and auditing purposes and filed with the travel claim.
D. A travel advance in the amount of 100% of the estimated trip expenses may be allowed. One person from the athletic department or other appropriate department or office who is familiar with the travel regulations will be responsible for the advance and all bills connected with team or group travel.
E. Receipts are required for all team or group travel expenses consistent with TBR Policy No. 4:03:03:00 except as noted below.
F. Actual lodging expenses will be reimbursed. Documentation must be maintained in the athletic department or other appropriate department or office indicating that various cost alternatives have been explored before making all arrangements and reservations. However, if arrangements are made by DSCC’s purchasing department, the purchasing department should maintain the appropriate documentation.
G. Miscellaneous expenses must be supported by receipts. Telephone calls by staff members for business purposes may be claimed with documentation consistent with TBR Policy No. 4:03:03:00.
H. Individual meals associated with team or group travel may be paid on a per diem basis. Meal per diem will be $30 for the day. If the group leaves at noon or later, then the meal per diem will be $20 for the day. During conference tournaments the meal per diem will be an additional $10. If individual meals are paid on a per diem basis, then group meals for the same day cannot be claimed.
I. Receipts for per diem amounts are not required in accordance to TBR Policy No. 4:03:03:00. However, a Group Travel Summary and Roster must be completed and turned into the Accounts Payable Specialist within 5 working days after completion of the event. If the Group Travel Summary and Roster is turned in late, Comptroller approval must be obtained before the claim is paid. The Comptroller will notify the Vice President for Finance & Administrative Services when excessive occurrences transpire. Exceptions during tournament times will be approved by the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services.
J. All team or group meals and snacks will be reimbursed at actual cost. If group meals are paid at actual cost, then individual meals on a per diem for the same day cannot be claimed. Actual cost cannot exceed total individuals multiplied by per diem for that day. Gratuities not to exceed reasonable and customary rates are allowed. Appropriate documentation and receipts are required.
K. All travel claims and requisitions for team or group travel must be approved in writing by the appropriate approving authority (e.g., Coach’s roster approved by Athletic Director; Athletic Director’s roster approved by the Vice President of Advancement and External Affairs). Any exceptions to the policy must be approved by the Vice President of Advancement and External Affairs.
Recruiting Travel
I. Athletic Recruiting
A. Travel Advances
- Travel advances should be made consistent with the DSCC General Travel Policies and Procedures.
- In addition, temporary or permanent travel advances may be made to staff members engaged in recruiting when such advances are approved by the Vice President of Advancement and External Affairs
presidentor designee.
B. Approval for Travel
- The following are subject to prior approval by the Vice President of Advancement and External Affairs:
a. Blanket travel authorization for scouting or recruiting; and
b. The travel of visitors and guests at institutional expense for any occasion related to
C. Guest Meals
- The actual cost of guest meals may be claimed when incurred by a staff member for recruiting purposes.
- Such claims must be submitted in appropriate detail.
- Receipts are required.
D. Student Recruits
- Staff members are responsible for compliance with pertinent NJCAA and conference rules regarding student recruits.
- Arrangements may be made for lodging in local hotels, and, with the approval of the athletic director or designee, may be charged to the athletic department.
- Staff members may be reimbursed at cost for off-campus meals, with reasonable and customary gratuities allowed. Receipts must accompany all claims.
- Transportation may be arranged through a local travel service and charged to the athletic department with the approval of the athletic director or designee. Automobile mileage may be reimbursed to a student recruit at the maximum rate allowed under the DSCC General Travel Policies and Procedures for the use of a personal vehicle.
- Entertainment expenses may be reimbursed at cost within NCAA, NJCAA, and conference rules.
Athletic groups, student groups or other groups of participants in programs or activities of the institution must adhere and be reimbursed according to this policy.
Revision History:
Approved: Administrative Council Meeting, March 4, 2009; Policy Revision approved by Administrative Council February 25, 2011 Policy Revision approved by Administrative Council July 25, 2014. Policy Revision approved by Administrative Council on January 31, 2020. Policy Revision approved by Administrative Council December 22, 2022.