The purpose of this policy is set forth the implementation of athletic ticket sales and the reconciliation of tickets.
Dyersburg State will honor all TSSAA passes from coaches and will keep a record of their attendance at each game. The Athletic Director or his\her designee will use Ticket Sales Reconciliation Report to report ticket sales. This form is picked up with the cash box from the Business Office and returned to the Business Office with the cash box after the event. The Business Office will verify all tickets. Those tickets shall be numbered consecutively. Dyersburg State will honor students’ I.D.’s for admission to games. Dyersburg State will honor all faculty and staff members upon presentation of their identification cards. Dyersburg State will charge $5 per ticket for adults; $1 per ticket for children under 10; college students’ admission is free. This price does not include tournaments.
A member of the college staff, identified by the athletic director, will sell tickets games from 5:15 p.m. to half-time of the second basketball game. Tickets for baseball and softball games will be sold until the beginning of the 5th inning of a single 9-inning game or the third inning of the second 7-inning game. The Athletic Director or his/her designee will collect the money and return it to the Business Office for deposit certification.
A plan for complimentary tickets will follow these guidelines:
a. The person who invites a group will submit the number of complimentary tickets required and the account that these tickets are charged.
b. The President will be notified of group invitations.
c. Complimentary tickets may be picked up at the ticket table. These tickets will be placed in an envelope labeled with the name of the group.
d. Recruiting purposes
Persons invited to perform during intermissions of the games will be given admission through a pass ticket. The person who invites the performers will submit the number and/or names of the persons to the Athletic Director and they will be admitted to the game through a designated door of the gym.
All faculty and staff must comply with this policy.
Complimentary Tickets: Tickets given to certain groups or recruits at no charge per the guidelines.
Ticket Sales Reconciliation Form: The form used to track and report ticket sales and revenue.
Pass Ticket: Tickets issued to guests who are performing at an athletic event.
Revision History:
Policy revised 12/2004; 8/31/2017. Policy Approved by Administrative Council on 08/31/17.