04:06:02:00 DSCC Policy Institutional Credits for a Degree


The purpose of this policy is to outline the minimum number of credit hours required to be taken in residency before being awarded a credential from Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC).


This policy applies to all students seeking a credential from DSCC.


Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) maintains the requirement that a minimum of 25 percent of the credit hours of any degree program must be earned through instruction offered by the institution. The institution’s course offerings consist of all courses listed in its course inventory, which is maintained in the Banner Student Information System.

For each graduation candidate, the Office of Records performs a graduation audit on the academic transcript. Included in this review is a determination that each candidate has satisfied the 25 percent credit hour requirement; this information is shared with each candidate at the time he/she contacts the Office of Records to discuss the results of the graduation audit. This requirement must be fulfilled in order to receive a degree from DSCC.


All students being awarded a credential through DSCC are to comply with this policy.


Revision History:

Policy written 12/16/15 by the Director of Admissions & Records.
Policy approved by Administrative Council on 12/18/2015