03:08:01:00 English Language Learners


In an effort to promote the success of ELL students, the following procedures will be utilized to provide appropriate support for those students.

A. Assessment of ELL Students

  1. International non-immigrant applicants and in/out-of-state applicants must meet admissions criteria in accordance with DSCC Policy 04:04:05:00
  2. All International (F-1 Visa) applicants whose native language is not English will submit scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). A minimum score of 133 on the computer-based TOEFL or 45 on the Internet-based TOEFL or 450 on the paper-based TOEFL is required.
  3. Applicants who identify as English Language Learners but were educated inside the United States must submit ACT or ACCUPLACER placement scores or transcripts showing successful completion of ENGL 1010 or scores from other comparable standardized examinations.
  4. Based on an analysis of student success characteristics, staff and faculty may
    make referrals for ELL students to enroll in ESL/ESOL-supported courses.

    B. Placement for Speakers of Other Languages-Supported Courses
  1. International applicants who have placement scores above 5 on the Writing Prompt Score for the Michigan English Placement Test shall enroll in college-level English courses.
  2. Applicants who identify as English Language Learners but were educated into the United States who have placement scores above 5 on the Writing Prompt Score for the Michigan English Placement Test or have successfully completed ENGL 1010 shall enroll in college-level English courses.
  3. English Language Learners who have test scores below 6 on the Writing Prompt Score for the Michigan English Placement Test shall be enrolled in co-requisite ENGL 1010.

    C. English for Speakers of Other Languages-Supported Courses
  1. ESL/ESOL enhanced co-requisite English courses shall be provided to English Language Learners who test below 6 on the Writing Prompt Score for the Michigan English Placement Test or
    a. ELL/ESOL enhanced courses may be provided in one of two co-requisite formats:
  • ENGL 1010/ENGL 1020 with supplemental instruction focused on providing ESL. Supplemental instruction focuses on English for Academic Purpose (EAP), which includes training in academic reading, writing, presenting, and note taking.
  • ELL/ESOL-enhanced ENGL 1010/ENGL 1020. In addition to the curriculum of the English course, content on English for Academic Purpose (EAP), which includes training in academic reading, writing, presenting and note taking, is also provided.

b. Students may have the option to sign a waiver to opt-out and enroll in college-level English courses.

  1. At such time as the English Language Learner who was enrolled in ESOL-enhanced co-requisite English courses successfully completes ENGL 1010/ENGL 1020, they shall have met the requirement for college-level English.