The following articles comprise the constitution of the Faculty Assembly at DSCC.
ARTICLE I. Name of Organization
The name of this organization shall be the Faculty Assembly of Dyersburg State Community College.
ARTICLE II. Purposes
The purposes of the assembly shall be:
- to provide a means of communication and mutual understanding among the faculty for the purpose of promoting improvements in educational policy and faculty welfare;
- to provide a forum for the open discussion of all matters of interest and concern to the faculty;
- to provide a forum for the presentation and open discussion of the interests and concerns of the administration when a desire has been voiced by the members of the Faculty Assembly or the Executive Committee of the Faculty Assembly;
- to express the opinion of the faculty, as a whole, to the President of the College on any matter of concern to the faculty;
- to provide camaraderie among the faculty.
ARTICLE III. Membership
Each full-time faculty member at Dyersburg State Community College shall be considered a member of the assembly.
ARTICLE IV. Officers
Section A. The officers of the assembly shall be the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, and the Secretary.
Section B. Any member of the Faculty Assembly with two years prior membership may be elected to office.
Section C. The duties of the officers follow below:
- The Chairperson shall issue the call in writing for regular and special meetings of the Faculty Assembly. Additional duties of the Chairperson shall include the following:
- representing the Faculty Assembly at the Administrative Council;
- representing the faculty assembly at the Board of Regents Faculty Sub-Council;
- preparing written recommendations for presentations to the President as deemed appropriate
by the membership; - performing other responsibilities which are deemed appropriate and necessary by the Faculty
Assembly. - The Vice-Chairperson shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the Chairperson. In the
- The Vice-Chairperson shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the Chairperson. In the event that the Chairperson’s office is vacated for any reason, the Vice-Chairperson shall be elevated to that office with full constitutional authority to fulfill the duties of the Chairperson. Following an appropriate written announcement, a new Vice-Chairperson shall be elected at the next regular meeting to fill the unexpired term of the elevated Vice-Chairperson.
- The Secretary shall record, keep and distribute minutes of all meetings of the Faculty Assembly. In the event the office of Secretary is vacated for any reason, it may be filled by appointment.
Section D. The organizational structure of the Faculty Assembly shall include an Executive Committee composed of the elected officers of the Assembly, the Chairperson Emeritus, and one representative from each instructional division. The representatives will be elected by the instructional divisions for a one-year term. The Executive Committee shall meet at least one week prior to the regularly scheduled meeting of the Assembly to carry out the following duties:
- prepare the agenda for the meeting of the Faculty Assembly;
- establish or eliminate special committees; and
- prepare proposals for consideration and action by the Assembly.
In addition, the Executive Committee shall represent the faculty in matters requiring attention at times other than the normal school year.
Section E. New officers shall be elected at the last scheduled meeting in the spring semester. At the March meeting, the Chairperson shall appoint a Nomination Committee whose report will be heard at the April meeting. Elections will be held during the final meeting for the year, at which time nominations from the floor may be made. Voting shall be accomplished by secret ballot.
ARTICLE V. Meetings
Section A. Regular meetings, dates, and times shall be designated by vote of the Assembly. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson when necessary. All members shall be notified in writing at least twenty-four hours in advance of any special meeting of the Assembly.
Section B. An agenda shall be prepared and distributed at least one week prior to the meeting of the Assembly. Any item of business, any suggestion, or any concern which a member wishes to bring before the Assembly may be added to the agendum during the meeting; however, final disposition of the matter will not be made until the following meeting. The meeting agendum shall include:
- call to order
- consideration of quorum
- approval of minutes of the previous meeting
- old business
- new business and considering amendments to constitution
- adjournment
ARTICLE VI. Transaction of Business
For the transaction of business, a quorum shall be those present at the meeting but not less than one third of the total membership. A majority vote shall be more than half of the members of the quorum and shall be considered an expression of the faculty as a whole. This majority of the quorum shall apply in the transaction of business of the Faculty Assembly.
ARTICLE VII. Amending the Constitution
Amendments to this constitution may be initiated either by majority action of the Executive Committee or by a proposal signed by thirty-five percent of the voting members of the Faculty Assembly. Approval of such proposed amendments shall require a two-thirds majority of those members of the Faculty Assembly present and voting.