The purpose of this policy is to outline the procedure for Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) faculty members to accrue and take sick leave.
This policy applies to all full-time faculty members.
Regular full-time employees and academic personnel, regardless of probationary status, are eligible to accrue sick leave. Full-time academic personnel shall accrue sick leave at the rate of 7.5 hours (1 day) for each month of actual service. Whenever possible, sick leave requests should be submitted in advance to the appropriate Dean for their department.
Scheduled Sick Leave: For doctor appointments and other scheduled sick leave, the faculty
member should obtain pre-approval from the Dean by filling out the Dyersburg State Community College “Employee Leave Request Form,” which can be found in MyDSCC on the Employee tab in the “DSCC Employee Forms” webpage. Completed forms are processed in Banner and time taken reported on the “Leave Report” at month end by the faculty member. The departmental secretary keeps a total of the number of hours a faculty member takes in a given month to ensure accurate reporting of time in Banner. Upon completion and approval of reported time, the information is reported electronically to Payroll to complete the appropriate adjustments to leave time in Banner.
Non-Scheduled Sick Leave
- The faculty member sends an email to the appropriate Dean and Coordinator (when applicable) and copies the departmental secretary that he/she is unable to come to the DSCC Campus or Center that day.
- After receiving the notification of sick status from the faculty member, the Dean (or his/her designee) determines the appropriate action to take regarding the faculty member’s classes (e.g. whether or not someone should fill in during the instructor’s absence; how to notify students of subject material to be covered; the possibility of scheduling class in the Learning Resource Center, or other needed action).
- The Dean notifies the off-campus director (if applicable).
- The departmental secretary notates the faculty absence and does not discharge the absence until receipt of the Employee Leave Request Form.
- The faculty member fills out an Employee Leave Request Form upon return to work, reports 7.5 hours for each day missed, and forwards the form to the departmental secretary. Any exception to reporting 7.5 hours must be approved through consultation with the Dean and will be taken on a case-by-case basis.
- The departmental secretary compares hours reported on the Employee Leave Request Form to the notation made of the absence. Upon agreement, the secretary forwards the form to the Dean for approval.
- Approved forms are kept by the departmental secretary until the end of the month.
- At month’s end, the departmental secretary adds the hours to be reported per faculty member, compares those hours to the number reported by the faculty member in Banner Web Time Entry, and submits Web Time Entry approval to the dean. The dean then approves the entries and submits to Payroll for appropriate adjustments to leave time in Banner.
A faculty member with an unauthorized absence may be subject to a salary adjustment.
All full-time faculty members are expected to comply with this policy.
Revision History:
Policy written May 2005. Policy revised October 2012. Approved by Administrative Council on 12/14/2012. Policy revised August 2014. Approved by Administrative Council on 08/27/2014. Policy revised October 2016. Approved by Administrative Council on October 28, 2016. Policy revised May 2020. Approved by Administrative Council on 5/29/2020.