04:02:03:00 Student Organizations: Faculty Advisors


The purpose of this policy is to establish faculty advisors for DSCC student organizations.


This policy applies to all DSCC student organizations.


All DSCC student organizations must have a faculty advisor.

Students seeking to establish organizations at DSCC may approach faculty members or the Director of Student Life to serve as an advisor to their organization. Faculty advisors serve the purpose of advisement only, assisting students in understanding the policies of the institution and the objectives of the student organization.

Faculty members are encouraged to assist students in their organizations by becoming advisors for these organizations. A faculty member who desires to serve as an advisor for a particular student organization should contact the Office of Student Services.


Student organizations failing to secure a faculty advisor will be disbanded by the Director of Student Life.


Student organization: an organization, operated by students at a college or university, whose membership normally consists only of students and whose aim is to facilitate a particular activity or promote a particular belief system.
Faculty advisor: an institutional faculty member who assists students in understanding institutional policies and student organization objectives.

Revision History:

Policy created in May, 2005. Policy updated July 2012; approved by Administrative Council on July 27, 2012.

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